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VHTRC Awards

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The VHTRC gives several awards to recognize achievement by its members. Here are the categories and procedures for these awards that will cover 2010.


Award Period

The awards cover accomplishments from January 1 through December 31, 2010.


To be eligible for any VHTRC award, except for Rookie of the Year, a person must have been a club member for the entire year covered by the award. For the Rookie of the Year award, a person must have first joined the club after July 1 of the year before the award year. (That means that to be eligible for the 2010 Rookie of the Year Award, a person must have joined the club after July 1, 2009.)

Eligibility for the Rookie of the Year and Runner of the Year Awards is mutually exclusive. So if one is nominaed for the Rookie of the Year award, he or she cannot be nominated for the Runner of the Year.


Any member of the VHTRC may make nominations. Nominators are strongly encouraged to submit justifications that include references to race results, participation, etc. While such justifications are not strictly required, they go a long way to refreshing the memory of the voters regarding accomplishments over the last year. We may also contact nominees to help us in setting out their accomplishments that voters should consider.

You may nominate yourself. Or ask a friend to nominate you. We encourage this, especially if your accomplishments are ones of which local club members might be largely unaware (e.g., events outside the VA-MD-DC-area or events in which few club members would have participated). We want club members to know what other members have done and to consider their accomplishments. If you do not nominate yourself and you do not get nominated, please do not complain.

You may nominate one person for each award. If you make more than one nomination for the same award, we reserve the right to ignore it. We also reserve the right to ignore any nomination that is likely to be in poor taste. Nominating some people for "Runner of the Year" would be mean.

We may change the category of a nomination or even disallow a nomination. We may cancel categories that do not receive sufficient nominations.  Any change in a nomination must be approved by the VHTRC president, and the appropriate nominator will be notified.

To assist in the award process, we now have a list of prior award recipients. Thanks to Quatro Hubbard for making this list.

There is no strict format for nominations. Just e-mail them to Quatro Hubbard at quatro.hubbard@gmail.com. (Nominations for the Stupid Award should go to Brian McNeill. Nominations for the James Moore Award should go to James.)

General Comment

While organized events are obvious tests of ability and count heavily, any run may be considered.

Performance Awards

Runners of the Year: Recognizes two runners -- one male and one female member of the VHTRC -- who have demonstrated consistently outstanding performances in trail runs during the past year. Nominees for this award may be considered not only for their speed but also for their versatility and consistency as well as their support and representation of the club while performing at this high level over the year.

Performances of the Year: Recognizes one male and one female member of the VHTRC for the most outstanding performance of the year in a trail run. "Outstanding" is considered in terms of course difficulty and weather conditions as well as the age, sex, and ability of the runner. In other words, this is a relative, not an absolute, test.

Most Improved: Recognizes one male and one female member of the VHTRC whose performances in trail running in the past year have significantly improved.

Rookie of the Year: Recognizes the male OR female member of the VHTRC who, in his or her first year of trail running has demonstrated mental toughness and persistence as well as ability.

Other Awards

Ambassador: Given to the VHTRC Ambassador of the Year. You figure out the criteria.

Best Photo Best digital photo of a VHTRC run or of a VHTRC member at any run. The photo must be submitted in digital format and taken by a VHTRC member who authorizes its use in the contest. (If we receive enough submissions, we may make categories. If we do not receive enough submissions, we may cancel the category.)

Next Year, I'm Not Doing Anything Stupid Award: Especially bad decision-making (in a matter related to running) by a member of the club. Background information: Stupid Award page | 2006 Nominees | 2007 Nominees. Nominations for this award should go to Brian McNeill.

James Moore Award: This award is decided by the former recipients of the award. If you have a nominee, contact James Moore or any of the award's prior recipients directly.

Prior Award Recipients

Thanks to Quatro Hubbard for compiling these data. There may be other awards out there that we are forgetting about.

Award - for the year of 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002

Runner of Year Amy Sproston Amy Sproston Amy Sproston Annette Bednosky Kerry Owens Sue Johnston Sue Johnston Kerry Owens Bethany Hunter Michele Harmon
Performance of Year Barb Isom Vicki Kendall Vicki Kendall Amy Sproston Kerry Owens

Most Improved Stephanie Wilson Jen Jacobs
Kirstin Corris
Kari Brown Challen Edwards Margie Hughes Vicki Kendall Joyce Fendley Marty Lindemann Vicki Kendall
Rebecca Moore


Runner of Year Neal Gorman Sean Andrish Harland Peele Keith Knipling Gary Knipling Sean Andrish Sean Andrish Tom Nielsen Derrick Carr Scott Mills
Performance of Year Neal Gorman Gary Knipling John Dewalt Keith Knipling John DeWalt

Most Improved Gary Knipling Karsten Brown Marlin Yoder David Snipes David Snipes Tom Corris John Dodds Mike Broderick
Keith Knipling

Rookie of Year Brittany Zale Martha Nelson Jack Kurisky Harland Peelle Amy Sproston Jamey Groff Rayna Matsuno Joyce Fendley Aaron Schwarzbard
Club Ambassador Sophie Speidel Mike Bur Tom Corris
Anstr Davidson
Quatro Hubbard
Kerry Owens Gary Knipling

Greatest Degredation  

Mike Bur Jeff Reed Bill Van Antwerp Anstr Davidson David Horton


Bunny Runyan
Valerie Meyer
Bill Van Antwerp
Writer of Year  

John Dodds

James Moore Award* Mike Broderick Wendy Marszalek
Helen Hipps
Sue & Dennis Herr
Ed Schultze Gary Knipling
* The first James Moore award went to James & Rebecca Moore in 2000. Ed Demoney received the second James Moore Award in 2001.
Next Year, Not Stupid Eva Pastalkova Mike Bailey
MMT Entry Process Quatro Hubbard
Scott Crabb
Gary Knipling Vicki Kendall Deb Pero

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