Hashawha Hills 50 km Trail Run

Westminster, Maryland
February 22, 2025

Use this form to withdraw from the Hashawha Hills 50 km Trail Run

If you need to withdraw from the Hashawha Hills 50 km Trail Run, either wait list or entrants list, please use the form below. This will help us keep track of your refund. This process does not take you off the list automatically. We will do that manually after you submit the form.

Withdrawals from the Entry List: Refunds are subject to the conditions on refunds that are stated on the entry page of the event Web page. We will issue a refund, less $5, if the request to withdraw is made by the deadline date and there is a person on the wait list who can take your place. The last day to withdraw and receive any refund is February 17.

You can follow the refund process on the refund tracking page.

If you have any question about your entry, feel free to contact Anstr Davidson. If, however, you decide to withdraw, please use this form.

Sorry, it's too late. The time to receive a refund passed on February 17. We don't take withdrawals now. We expect a few no shows on race day. We don't replace those who drop out now.

Withdrawal Form

Enter your name and e-mail address exactly as you did when you entered the event.

Entrants List
Wait List