Entrants List
Hashawha Hills 50 km Trail Run

Westminster, Maryland
February 22, 2025


Wait List
Entry Start Page

120 Entrants as of February 17, 2025 at 20:16
Maximum: 120 Entrants
Summary of Entrants

Here are the people who are on the entrants list for the Hashawha Hills 50 km Trail Run to be held on February 22, 2025.

Mike Abraham49MBaltimore, MD1
Carey Ahr48MFrederick, MD5
Roberta Albert57FDerwood, MD0
Emily Armstrong55FRockville, MD1
Qazi Aurangzeb46MHockessin, DE0
Byrne Bacwaden51MBesao, Philippines2
Chris Bailey50MKeedysville, MD2
John Birkmire52MJarrettsville, MD0
Guadalupe Bobadilla30MBaltimore, MD0
Michael Bonfatto34MWashington, DC0
Michael Bottos64MAshburn, VA2
Rupert Bullard60MFrederick, MD0
Joe Burke63MFinksburg, MD2
James Callahan51MAlexandria, VA0
Doug Camann57MClarksboro, NJ9
Ryan Carney36MRockville, MD0
Billy Clem55MFrederick, MD5
Steve Coco54MWestminster, MD7
Chris Coder43MWestminster, MD9
Sarah Colwell36FWestminster, MD3
Stephen Cooper70MSalisbury, MD0
Daniel Curtis19MSan Antonio, TX0
Paul Davis54MShepherdstown, WV2
Stephanie Dempsey48FArlington, VA1
Peter Diak46MGaithersburg, MD1
Maribel Dichard47FWoodbridge, VA0
Sean Dickens42MBaltimore, MD1
Tracy Dimond36FBaltimore, MD0
Andy Dodge62MWestminster, MD4
Lyn Doubman20FWinchester, MA0
Billy Dove41MMount Airy, MD0
Edward Eichler44MWiscasset, ME0
Eric Ellis47MMount Airy, MD0
Hussein Ezzeldin42MColumbia, MD3
Casey Fisher41MAbingdon, MD3
Christopher Flint41MBurke, VA3
Christiana Fogg47FKensington, MD6
Freedom Fonner36FLorton, VA0
Daniel Frank41MColumbia, MD0
Nora Frankel38FBaltimore, MD0
Jeremy Gardner47MBaltimore, MD1
Pat Gilbert61MBaltimore, MD10
Sebastian Gluzman52MWashington, DC1
Jamie Greenawalt56FBedford, PA8
Robert Grolemund56MBroadlands, VA4
Thomas Haine57MTowson, MD7
Peter Han48MNorth Potomac, MD2
Kim Herring44FArlington, VA0
Jason Hinerman46MShepherdstown, WV0
Deirdre Hoey52FLutherville, MD0
Daryl Hultquist55MPotomac, MD1
Brendan Hurley31MArlington, VA0
Erin Kelman48MGermantown, MD2
Kristen Kelman36FGermantown, MD3
Ike Kim63MEllicott City, MD1
Dan Kirby64MRockville, MD0
Shane Kirk40MFrederick, MD0
Jeffrey Klemm74MMcLean, VA6
Emma Knox45FMiddletown, MD1
Jake Kruse44MGlen Burnie, MD2
Jessica Labella37FWashington, DC0
Jenny Lipnickey41FMiddletown, MD0
Betsy Lyons44FParkville, MD1
Mikka Kei Macdonald30FWashington, DC1
Elliot Madre40MBaltimore, MD1
Roberto Magana52MManchester, MD0
Dylan Marks31MBaltimore, MD0
Jason McCarley48MLittlestown, PA1
Mac McComas36MBaltimore, MD3
Michele McLeod66FOlney, MD3
Michael Metzler33MBaltimore, MD0
Tony Mick46MBoyds, MD2
Sarah Mikalauskas45FNew Market, MD8
Ali Mohammed47MBethesda, MD3
Samuel Moore31MCatonsville, MD0
Andrew Moskal36MAnnandale, VA0
Nikolas Mullen34MBel Air, MD0
Karl Mulligan27MBaltimore, MD0
Dustin Musselman36MMount Airy, MD1
Michael Myers38MWashington, DC3
Emily Neuner24FWashington, DC0
Adeline Ntam45FSilver Spring, MD5
Jason Odam49MWestminster, MD2
Peihan Orestes43FBethesda, MD2
Chris Pabian48MAllison Park, PA0
Erica Parriott31FRingwood, NJ0
Kevin Patierno32MBaltimore, MD0
Adam Pegues44MSeverna Park, MD0
Madeline Perez50FBrunswick, MD0
Robert Perry62MMiddletown, MD4
Duy Pham31MWashington, DC0
Brian Quillin35MHighland, MD0
Lloyd Rawley64MGreenbelt, MD0
Adam Renninger44MWestminster, MD6
Samuel Rinde34MColumbia, MD0
James Robinson36MElkridge, MD0
Gurpartap Sandhoo60MLaurel, MD0
Karen Satchell45FFinksburg, MD0
Mary Kate Schneider40FBaltimore, MD2
Thomas Seiser40MWhiteford, MD1
Nathan Short46MBaltimore, MD0
Steve Skladany44MAlexandria, VA0
Derek Smith42MFrederick, MD0
Starla Snyder62FEast Freedom, PA6
Jeremy Splitter34MEllicott City, MD0
Christian Stanton51MFredericksburg, VA4
Michael Stefanon56MManassas, VA4
Patrick A. Stohrer50MFinksburg, MD3
Rachel Temple47FAlexandria, VA4
Jim Treece55MFrederick, MD2
Chris Trumbauer50MColumbia, MD0
Alberto Vazquez55MLutherville-Timonium, MD4
Jacob Watson23MWestminster, MD0
Lindsey Weaver39FFrederick, MD4
Evan Weisel53MAlexandria, VA2
Matthew Weller24MWestminster, MD0
Ryan Williams36MColumbia, MD1
Joshua Witte53MVirginia Beach, VA0
Rachel Wood45FFrederick, MD0
Brian Yeager51MBel Air, MD0

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Average Age45.4
State Representation
District of Columbia7
West Virginia2
New Jersey2

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