Guidelines - Listing a Training Run on this Web Site
This is information and guidelines for club members wishing to list a training run on this Web site. Our goal is to keep this simple and promote a many group runs. We do have a few rules. They are below. Please read them and then list your run. The link to do that is at the bottom of the page.
If you want to lead a run: Any club member may list a run here and become a "run leader." Just be aware of the following points:
- Listing a run here is a public invitation. Unless the leader says differently, the run is open to all. The leader may, however, limit participation by objective factors such as: VHTRC membership, normal training pace, experience on the trail in question, willingness and ability to stay with the group, etc.
- You may not limit participation to "friends" or similar. If you want to just run with your friends, that is fine, but call them up, don't use this page. In other words, it is fine to invite only fast (or slow) people to come running with you, but you are inviting all fast or slow people.
- The leader is not committing to provide any aid unless he or she says so. Post run refreshments are not the responsibility of the leader.
- The leader is generally responsible to be sure that all runners get off the trail safely.
- Runs may be scheduled at anytime. It is not inappropriate for one of these runs to conflict with other runs or events, even those sponsored by the VHTRC. The only exception is that runs should not be listed here for the same days as BRR, MMT, or the WHM.
- This is not the place to list "events" (i.e. a competition with a start, finish, or results), activities of other clubs or groups, or activities sponsored by for-profit organizations even if a club member is involved.
- Add a run that you will lead (logged in members only)
- List of training runs