New VHTRC Club Web Site!

Club News
After an extended run, this version of the VHTRC website has been replaced, and is no longer being updated.

Holy Cowan's Gap 50 km Canceled

The 2020 running of Holy Cowan's Gap has been canceled because of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

Cancellation of MMT, BRR and other VHTRC-sponsored events this spring

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the VHTRC is canceling all club-sponsored events though mid-May, including our Massanutten Mountains Trail 100-mile and Bull Run Run 50-mile races.

2020 Hashawha 50km Results

Race Report
The 2020 Hashawha Hills 50km had very cold weather which led to great conditions for the course and very fast times. Stefano Ruzza and Kristen Serrafin were the male and female winners. Report and results available on the read more link.

The Massanutten Training Season - Interim Report

Run Report
The VHTRC is halfway through its Massanutten Training Academy 2020 season, and run summaries have been posted. Thanks to run organizers Larry Huffman (MMT#1) and Guy Towler (MMT#2) for making the mountain magic happen!

2019 Club Awards

Club News
A great time was once again had by all, as the VHTRC gathered to fete the 2019 club award winners. Big thanks to Katie Keier for coordinating the voting and hosting The Par-Tay!

New Board Meets

The newly elected board of the VHTRC met on January 28 and elected Keith Knipling to serve as president for its 2020-2021 term.

Voting for 2019 Club Awards

Club News
The nominations are in and have been posted for the 2019 VHTRC Awards! Do your civic duty, and VOTE! Deadline to vote is Sunday January 19,

Boyers - the Last Race of the Decade

Race Report
The Boyer's Furnace 40 Miler was the last race of the decade of the 2010's (don't get me started, you "there was no Year Zero" crowd). Boyer's RD Carol Cohen has submitted a report on what was a great day in the Massanuttens.

VHTRC 2020 Board election results

The election to select the members of the new VHTRC board is now over, and the results are in. Read on to learn who will serve on the Board during 2020-2021.
